ELI Israel Association for Child protection (ELI)
ELI (founded 1979) is the oldest and leading organization in Israel for the protection of children from physical, sexual, emotional violence and neglect.
Since its founding, ELI has put the issue on the national agenda and is the the only one in Israel that handles all aspects of the phenomenon.
ELI has helped tens of thousands of traumatized children, as well as adults who suffered from childhood abuse.
Along with specializing in trauma treatment, ELI also treats emotional distress in children and teenagers, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or impulsivity, adjustment and social difficulties, Boycotts, bullying, etc.
Our current project will help children of families with low economic backgrounds, deal with the trauma of abuse.

Activities 2023
In 2023 we made 10 different donations.
Several organizations, like Desert Stars, Beit Ruth, and the Jaffa Institute, were supported in the years before.
You will find more information about them in our activity report for 2022.
In 2023 we also supported a seven new organizations and will give you an impression of their diversity.
No2Violence against women
The association was established in 1977, with the aim of rescuing women and their children suffering from domestic violence and enabling them to start a new life through the provision of shelter, professional treatment and professional training and to serve them here to change legislation and increase awareness in society of the issue of domestic violence.
The main activity of the association is the management and operation of 3 shelters for women suffering from violence and their children.
The association also operates, through volunteers, emergency lines that operate 24/7, and the legal unit that handles the legal proceedings of women in the shelter and provides initial legal advice to women who suffer from violence and are not entitled to legal aid.
With our help, a children’s clubhouse in the new shelter for battered women and their children will be build.

Women Against Violence (WAV)
Women Against Violence (WAV), a resource on women's issues, has been dedicated to the advancement of Palestinian women in Israel for over 15 years.
Established in 1992 by a group of Arab women professionals, who took it upon themselves to voice the needs of Palestinian women after seeing a need lacking in social welfare services for Arab women survivors of violence and began by providing support services as well as empowerment, raising awareness, and advocacy programs that would lift the status of Palestinian women.
WAV has sustained its groundbreaking services and projects by elevating the women's status through efforts on three different levels: direct services, community services for public awareness, where groups of women and youth have been targeted, and advocacy initiatives for change of policy in the system have been taken.
Our project supports three groups of 20 youth (ages 16-19) from three Arab cities to encourage active social engagement around gender equality among high school and college students.

Lo Omdot Me’Negged (LOM)
Founded as a small Facebook group in September 2017, LOM quickly grew to a community of thousands of women and men that together make a significant factor aiding hundreds of prostitution survivors.
With the aid of our community, this organization procures material and emotional support for survivors who attempt to take back control over their bodies and lives.
LOM also offers a personal human contact between its volunteers and the women who need a warm embrace, a good friend, or just someone to listen.
The organization's community breaks conventions and builds a bridge between society and the women in need, who live in its margins as invisible outcasts, offering them a sense of belonging, self-worth, and capability as a foundation for a process of integration in society.
Our project will provide personalized assistance to young women, survivors of prostitution, 24 years or less. (30% are from Arab society)

OTOT Association provides a solution for boys and girls, young men and women at risk, which includes assistance with housing and out-of-home settings, exercising rights and providing tools for a functioning life in Israeli society
The association assists adolescents, young men and women without family support at the end of the educational-supportive continuum in Israel, who are at risk and in danger after being expelled from educational settings and / or their home and need out-of-home care, in the absence of an authoritative figure to take care of all their developmental needs.
Our donation will allow the therapy for girls in a shelter in Jerusalem.

Closing ranks
Closing Ranks was founded in September 2015 by former officers from IDF Paratroopers Battalion 50/101 and their wives.
The gaps between Israeli citizens motivated them to make Israeli society more egalitarian.
The association ensures everyone stays close together, in the same way as in the military marches, drills and operation.
Closing ranks provides personal guidance and empowerment to young people who completed their military or national service and lack a strong family support, while transitioning to independent civilian living and helps them with employment, education, housing, community relations and financial conduct.
Our project will provide mentoring to empower 6 young adults, who lack family support.

Activities 2022
Nigunim is a Hostel for At-Risk young women from the Orthodox community across the country, which is located in Jerusalem.
The hostel provides long-term accommodation, therapy, and assistance to troubled young women between the ages of 13 and 20.
Many are victims of emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse, and demonstrate self-destructive, acting-out behaviors, such as drug abuse.
The Hostel provides residential and individualised program of assistance such as conventional and alternative psychological therapies.
Our project gives the girls the opportunity to participate in art therapy classes such as therapeutic painting class, music, dance, and drama
The art therapy contribute to the advancement of girls, to their relaxation, to assist in their learning and contribute to their future integration into society

Lissan aims to bridge the gap between East and West Jerusalem and strengthen East Jerusalemite women.
Over 64% of women in East Jerusalem don’t speak any Hebrew and over 75% of East Jerusalemite women of working age are not employed, with lack of Hebrew knowledge
reported as a main obstacle to finding employment.
Our project “Medabrot Ivrit “ is to provide Hebrew education to the women of East Jerusalem, enabling easier access to rights, resources, and opportunities.
Lissan offers a program like no other, which suits the needs of East Jerusalemite women in a supportive, culturally competent, and gender sensitive environment

The Jaffa Institute
The Arab neighbourhoods of Jaffa in Israel are some of the most poverty-stricken areas in Israel, they suffer from crime, violence, substance abuse, and nutritional insecurity.
Families from diverse backgrounds are facing sociocultural and linguistic barriers to success; this creates obstacles for matriculation and access to higher education and a disconcertingly high number of children in our service area dropout of high school before graduation.
Our project, "The Aristotle Center", serves 15 at-risk children ages 3-6 with special needs, referred by social welfare authorities.
The development period between ages 3-6 is critical for an individual’s long-term cognitive abilities
The children get social care, speech and occupational therapy and all other fields based on their needs.
Without intervention, these children are at risk of remaining behind their peers throughout their academic careers and beyond. Additionally, development delays intensify these challenges.

The Sexual Assault Crisis Center assist 9,000 survivors and co-survivors each year by providing practical and emotional support to survivors of sexual violence and their immediate environment.
The center is offering comprehensive services, 24 hours a day, including telephone hotline and live online chat, counselling, advocacy, accompaniment, and information about rights and options to help survivors make informed choices.
Our projects:
Safe Space Community for Women Impacted by Sexual Violence-
A social framework that provides a group of 30 survivors a respite from the trauma, stress and loneliness that are an integral part of their daily life.
The year-long program of weekly meetings for social time, followed by a bonding activity and a recreational activity (arts and crafts workshops/mind-body interventions/enrichment lectures/nature hikes) and ends with a group meal.
Support Groups for Survivors, Parents and Partners-
RCC Sharon runs several support groups to reduce trauma symptoms and provide opportunities for validation, connection, empathy and hope.
The center offers an alternative trauma therapies that address the physiological and non-verbal aspects of survivors’ trauma, including running therapy (2-half-year groups), art-therapy (2 groups) and a sailing support group.
I’lam - Arab Center for Media Freedom, Development and Research
I’lam Center works to empower Arab Palestinian society in Israel by means of
protecting freedoms, human development and research.
The goal is to decrease in manifestations of violence in the Arab community in Israel by
changing the public narrative in the media based on relevant information and data.
Cultivating Youth Leadership and Strengthening and Educating Arab Journalists through courses that improve their professional capacities and increase their knowledge of human rights discourse.
Our project “Journalists Against Violence Movement” was launched in 2019 and has been growing ever since, with 25 active members from different media outlets in Israel, both in Arabic and Hebrew.
The Movement has become the voice of Arab women journalists on issues of gender violence,
Until today, we have managed to conduct over six training rounds.
I'lam have managed to approached decision-makers and met dozens of our journalist colleagues explaining the Gender-Sensitive Press Guide, published during the project’s first year. And produced two media campaigns to introduce journalists and the general public to gender-sensitive press, as well as a study on women in the media.

Tel Aviv assault center
1 out of 3 Israeli women will experience sexual assault.
Utilizing a three-pronged strategy including nuanced crisis support for survivors of sexual violence, educational outreach initiatives and awareness raising aimed at sparking social change, the Center is shifting the public discourse and making certain that all survivors know "You are not alone!"
The Center is responsible for the crisis work in the densely populated Tel Aviv metropolitan area, serving 1.8 million residents, 23% of all Israelis.
Our project: 'Reach Out' At-Risk Youth Education Initiatives for Girls and their Educators:
At-risk/disadvantaged girls are much more exposed to incidents of sexual violence from an early age, yet they are also more prone to keep their suffering a painful secret and have less access to our services.
The Center facilitates hundreds of tailored psycho-educational workshops for thousands of at-risk girls at boarding schools, youth villages, social service units, hostels and group homes.

Beith Ruth
Beit Ruth is a long-term therapeutic residence and school with a mission to ensure that vulnerable and at-risk girls, ages 13-18, who have been removed from their homes by court order due to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, are given the opportunity to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically, thereby breaking the cycle of violence for themselves and future generations of children in Israel.
Our project ‘Beit Ruth Alumnae program’ aim to provide mentoring, financial assistance, employment resources, help to navigate government systems, and other essential support to our alumnae.
This support is what every person needs as they transition to young adulthood; however, for our girls, who are unable to rely on family support, it is especially critical.
Although they leave the Village to begin the next chapter in their lives, we are part of them, they are part of us, and they are part of each other.

Activities 2021
Niroot - the forum for young women's NGO's
Founded in 2011, focuses on central obstacles and issues that vulnerable young women face in their quest for independence and to secure their wellbeing, working to advance institutional support and solutions to dire needs.
The forum thrives to empower and promote young women at risk through policy changes, professional platforms, better accessibility to knowledge and rights and a wider knowledge base and tools for professionals in the field.
Employment - The forum has published a unique research regarding the barriers to employment among young women at risk, the data and the research conclusions are the base for the development of a gender sensitive employment model (GSM),
to describe and produce the most effective tools for providing equal opportunity, lessening social disparity, and promoting social mobility within young women at risk.
The GSM is currently developed with the Snatager Foundation's generous donation.
10 Precent
Niroot plan to donate 10% of this donation to a small nonprofit organization which serves young women at risk.
They will receive from Niroot, the GSM plus professional training for their staff on how to use this tool in order to help the young women at risk to find employment and integrate into the workforce.
The GSM and the professional training will be given free of charge

Desert Stars
Desert Stars is building a new generation of Bedouin leaders to promote a thriving Bedouin community and a strong Israeli society.
They empower youth to realize their individual and collective potential as change-making leaders.
The 'Rawafed' Extracurricular Empowerment Center has been in operation since Desert Stars opened their innovative high school in 2016.
'Rawafed' offers an array of challenging extracurriculars that complement the school's formal studies and expand students' cultural horizons.
Through Rawafed Center, all Desert Stars high school students participate in activities otherwise unavailable to them: arts, sports, science & technology clubs; workshops in leadership and life skills; language skills and regular volunteering opportunities.
The program encourages students to explore their identity beginning at the most personal level and throughout their 4 years at the school expands to include their community, country and even the world.
Only 8% of Bedouin youth participate in organized after school activities, and rawafed is unmatched in both the quality and quantity of its programming throughout the entire Negev region.
10 Precent
10% of the donation was passed on through food baskets to increase food stability for Bedouin families in partnership with the “Yanabia” organization.
Desert Stars students aided in packaging and distributing the food baskets.

Ad'ar is an Arab grassroots NGO established in September 2016 in Haifa, Israel.
The association was initiated by Arab Palestinian activist professionals in the light of a dramatic increase in gender-based crimes against women in the Israeli Arab Palestinian society in Israel; so-called “honor killings”.
Ad’ar’s goal is to contribute to the elimination of so-called “honor killings”/ Femicide within the Arab Palestinian society in Israel and to develop a “Ways of Intervention” for all professionals working with battered women.
Ad’ar is a unique and innovative organization in this field in that its focus is to empower the professionals in the field, working to eliminate violence and prevent the murder of women in the community.
Mostly these professionals are members of the same community as the victims and the murderers and are themselves subject to the same threats as the victims.
“Enhancing the resilience among the professionals in mixed neighborhoods in Haifa-
The Project will focus on supporting and supervising all professional staff and/or activists in the mixed neighborhoods in Haifa, (mixed=Arabs and Jews).
Mainly social workers, but also all professionals and activists who work directly with families and residents of the neighborhoods, will be included in the project, this is due to the difficult political events that occurred in May and shook the trust among residents of the same neighborhoods.
10 Precent
As a 10% donatation, Ad'ar is looking to work with Halisa (empower a group for women) due to the high percent of women's murder in this neighborhood.

From mid-November until today, Elbahar have already handled over 30 requests of young women (out of the 250 women we work with each year).
Several of them were referred to consultation regarding academic courses.
Elbahar also recruited young women for our two group activities, which will start just after the renovations in our offices will be completed.
At the end of December, Elbahar will start the financial orientation course, with a group of 15-18 young women. The vocational guidance workshop series will start just after, in mid-January / early February.
Throughout 10 meetings, the participants will be provided with tools to recognize their professional tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses.
They will work on developing their self-confidence, writing their CV, and preparing for job interviews.
10 Precent
10% of the donation is directed to food and clothes parcels which we provide to 35-40 families in Jaffa every few months.

Makkom ("a place" in Hebrew) is a non-profit organization, established in 2012, that promotes the integration of young women, ages 18-28, who have no family support. Makkom serves as a community for them, with the aim of empowering them in a variety of ways, including fostering civil involvement and activism.
The Lioness Home, “Beit Laviot”, opened a year ago in order to provide single mothers and their children with support which includes subsidized housing, social support, strengthening the mother-child bond. All the mothers carry with them their past traumas, unprocessed traumas, and with the birth of the child these traumas reappear and arise in connection with him.
The donation is aimed to enable each one of the lionesses to have a safe therapeutic space, suited to her individual needs: Dyadic or individual, psychiatric, hydrotherapy to strengthen the mother-child bond, art therapy – to enable them to process the events of their past and to build a better connection with their children.
10 Precent
10% of the donation will be given to participants to carry out a community event for other single mothers, scheduled for May 2022.
Three participants have started working on the topic with the help of a social work student. Currently the thoughts are on three lecture sessions for single mothers that will form the basis for an ongoing relationship and relief from loneliness between single mothers in the neighborhood.

Beith Ruth
Located in Afula, Israel, Beit Ruth is a long-term therapeutic residence and school with a
mission to ensure that vulnerable and at-risk girls, ages 13-18, who have been removed from
their homes by court order due to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, are given the
opportunity to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically, thereby breaking the cycle of
violence for themselves and future generations of children in Israel.
Thanks to the generous support of the Snatager Foundation, Beit Ruth launched a “Vocational
Education & Skills Program” to teach our girls skills toward long-term and sustainable
employment. We are partnering with “Shades of Sweet,” a proven comprehensive job skills
readiness program specially designed for at-risk youth in Israel that uses chocolate-making as a
vehicle to developing job skills.
Through gourmet chocolate making, girls are learning financial literacy and money
management; business practices; marketing; how to work within a team; the importance of
being on time; personal appearance; perseverance; and many other job and like skills, all while
developing a sense of pride in a job well-done.
Sophie, who is 16 years old, said, “It makes me
feel important to learn some money and to learn how to conduct myself in the work place.”
10 Precent
As part of this program, Beith Ruth is proud to have contributed tzedakah to a joint program with Arab girls.